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Words of Encouragement


As a tradition, we tend to set personal goals or ​make promises to ourselves.  While some of us may not be as successful in such, the question we must ask ourselves is what is our process in achieving these goals and promises?  Let's face it sometimes we just can't do it alone.  We could probably use a team of people in our lives to accomplish these goals.


In saying that, we as the body of Christ must work together as a TEAM for the Kingdom of God so that His will continues to go forth.  In most cases, we think of a TEAM as a group of people organized to work together with the common purpose of WIN.  The only way a TEAM can WIN is if all members are playing by the same rules.  If we all have different rules then we cannot be united in working together.  With that being said, the body of Christ must work together as a TEAM to help each other reach the ultimate goal of eternal life with our Father, as well as work together to WIN the lost souls of the world so that they too can have the opportunity of eternal life.  To do this, we should always operate in faith; and have one spirit and one mind for Christ.




We should think about each other to see how we can encourage each other to show love and do good works.  We must not quit meeting together, as some are doing.  No, we need to keep on encouraging each other.  This becomes more and more important as you see the Day getting closer.  Hebrews 10:24-25 ERV



Together Everyone Accomplishes More

First Lady Gina Mabins

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